

我们的大学社区与奥兰多一起, 我们的国家, in mourning those who lost their lives in the June 12 attacks at Pulse.


For those who have been directly affected by the loss of, 或者伤害, 是这场悲剧的结果, we are profoundly sorry and are with you in your time of grief. Our hearts continue to be with the victims and their families during this difficult time.

“满帆大学 is proud to stand alongside our neighboring colleges and universities, 当地的, 城市, 政府官员, LGBT群体, 以及所有受这场悲剧影响的人. 满帆大学支持奥兰多.满帆大学校长加里·琼斯说.

Our university is home to a diverse community of creative and compassionate individuals. 在悲剧事件之后, we have seen an outpouring of support from our students, 工作人员, 教师, 和校友, 他们不断地问:“我能帮什么忙??”

以下是我们对校园的概述, 以及社区机会, (and information on how to participate) in an effort to provide continued assistance during the difficult days ahead.


  • 6月14日星期二 – The City of Orlando has shared the official graphic and hashtag as a show of community support. You may have noticed 满帆 is proudly displaying this image across our campus. Feel free to join us in using the hashtag #OrlandoUnited to show your support. http://www.cityoforlando.net/blog/show-your-support-download-orlandounited-image/
  • 6月15日星期三 -骄傲俱乐部会议: 脉搏讨论. We wanted to provide an open space to discuss and meet with others regarding the events at Pulse. All students, 工作人员 and 教师 are welcome to participate on 6月15日,周三,下午6点,三楼123室. PRIDE (Peers Respecting Individuality Differences and Equality) is a club of like-minded individuals with a focus on LGBTQ issues. 我们的主要目标是促进接受, 站起来对抗仇恨, and providing a safe place for 满帆 students to be themselves.
  • 6月17日星期五 – The 满帆 community is proud to host the Big Red Bus monthly, 我们在校园里建立了一个捐赠网站 6月17日星期五上午11点到下午5点在3号楼. 在此期间,请访问 oneblood.org to find the closest donation center or Big Red Bus in your area.
  • 6月17日星期五 – 满帆大学 will host a tribute to remember and honor those who lost their lives in the shooting at Pulse on June 12. This is a time for our 满帆 family to come together, 一起悲伤, 互相安慰和安慰, as we continue to cope with the impact of this tragedy. 满帆 students, 工作人员 and 教师 are invited to attend. 追悼会将于上午11点开始.m. (上午10:45开门)在满帆 Live Venue.

    满帆大学校长Garry Jones说

    除上述发言者外, the program will include a moment of remembrance to acknowledge the victims of this tragedy. The event is being organized by 满帆’s Department of Student Affairs, 与职员及文化发展部合作, with support from PRIDE (Peers Respecting Individuality Differences and Equality). PRIDE is 满帆’s club of like-minded individuals with a focus on LGBTQ issues whose main goals are promoting acceptance, 站起来对抗仇恨, and providing a safe place for 满帆 students to be themselves.
  • 6月18日星期六 满帆正在与Random Acts合作, a charity whose mission it is to “conquer the world one random act of kindness at a time.加入我们 6月18日星期六th in the 3B lobby from 10 am to 2 pm as we work together to create care packages for Orlando Law Enforcement, k - 9单元, and Emergency Response personnel who responded to the tragedy. 欲了解更多关于随机行动的信息,请访问: http://www.randomacts.org/


  • The Pulse nightclub shootings have greatly impacted Orlando’s Latino community, and there is an urgent need for bilingual volunteers to assist on counseling help lines and in speaking to victims’ friends and families. City officials have asked anyone who can help with translation services to call 407-428-5870 or email (电子邮件保护) 志愿者.
  • 奥兰多市的志愿者机会. 对于那些感兴趣的人,你可以自愿帮助 填写这张表格. City 工作人员 will contact you as soon as possible to let you know where your services will be helpful.


(请注意,悲伤咨询将继续进行, and anyone in need of counseling service are encouraged to utilize the resources outlined below).

  • GLBT Community Center of Central Florida, First Unitarian Church, 1901 E. 罗宾逊圣.,星期一至三上午十时至晚上七时. Emergency Hotlines in both English and Spanish: 407-822-5036, 407- 228-1446
  • The Zebra Coalition has also set up a hotline, which you can call at 407- 228-1446.
  • The Trevor Project hotline is there to talk to LGBTQ youth and anyone else who wants to talk to someone. 请拨打866-488-7386与他们联系.
  • The National GLBT Center has a national hotline, a youth talk-line and online chat. 拨打888-843-4564拨打他们的全国热线.

The National Suicide Prevention Hotline is available to talk as well. 打电话给800-273-8255.